3 Benefits of Manual Machining Services

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When you need customized metal shapes for your project, machining services can help set you up with the metal pieces you need within the required specifications. There are two different types of machining: CNC and manual. Both types of machining have their advantages and disadvantages that make them more appropriate for different circumstances. Here are 3 of the top benefits of using manual machining.

3 Benefits of Manual Machining Services

  • It’s cost effective. Manual machining costs less than CNC machining. If you have a larger project that requires a lot of metal parts, you may want to go with CNC machining, but for smaller projects, manual machining will give you the services you need at a lower price.
  • It saves time. CNC machining requires programming the specifications for your project, whereas with manual machining, all you have to do is talk to a certified welder about what your project requires, saving you time in the process.
  • It’s a great backup. Like all other pieces of equipment, CNC machines can fail, which can affect the timeliness of metal cutting. With manual machining, you don’t have to worry about whether or not the CNC machine will break down, so if you’re in a time crunch, manual machining may be your best bet.

We offer both CNC and manual machining services here at AccuSpec Fabrication that will get you the metal pieces you need for your project. If you required customized metal sheets or pieces and want the benefit of working with one of our certified and experienced welders, call us today.